Den Lille Havfrue

Posted on Monday, December 10, 2012

some of the lines that struck me while reading

So I decided to read Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" while I wasn't still given any work to do at the office. Indeed, it was really a tragic story, still, it was very beautiful, for me that is.

The little mermaid's love and passion for the prince was really something I admire.  The little mermaid sacrificed a lot (her voice, family, tail, etc) just to win the prince's heart, but still... though she did all that, the prince still sought for another... one who he thought was the one who saved him.

It's kinda saddening to think that even though she was the one who saved him, the one who loved him the most and was always beside him, the prince still didn't love her back. Still, she loved him no less, and despite the fact that the prince marrying another would cause her death, she still smiled and danced for him and wished him happiness. And in the end, though she could gain everything back if she just take the prince's life.. the prince who she gave up everything for but didn't love her (the same way she does) in return... she still chose to be selfless and gave up her life just so the prince would be happy.

For some reason, I kinda could relate to the little mermaid in a few parts of the story. Probably it's with having the feeling that though you like someone so much but that person likes another, though you think of him so often, thoughts of you never cross his mind and though you are willing to make sacrifices for him, he wouldn't care... After all, you are not the one he's in love with. Yep, unrequited love sucks.

However, my pain can never be compared to that which the little mermaid had felt (had she been real). If she  were real, she'd have my utmost respect. I salute thee, little mermaid. I do hope though that someday, my story will not end up in an unrequited love again. :)

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