Posted on Friday, October 5, 2012
It has been so long since I last updated this blog of mine..
Things has been hectic for the past weeks, shoots and programming took most of my time. Still I had real fun this term, I experienced a lot of things --- birthday surprises, stalking (LOL i know, creepy), acting, swimming, sleepovers and such. At least some things me and my friends worked hard for this term will be worth it. :)
being vain at our school's Mac Lab, I look like Lilo
from Lilo and stitch LOL
sleepover of the patatas girls
These photos were taken during our shoot for our music video plate for video editing. All us girls stayed over at Nathalie's condominium to shoot the remaining scenes. It's the first time for me to sleep together with them so it was really exciting and fun. We did all the "girly girl" stuffs while the boys went home. Sadly, i was too tired that night so I was the one who slept earliest. XD
"special dishes" we, patatas, made during our break times
These were actually from our leftovers. hahahha.. We actually look forward to doing these dishes every time we eat out. It has been an exciting part of meal time :) LOL
*sighs* Too bad I won't be able to attend next term because of financial reasons. I will really miss being with my patatas friends. Well at least it's only for 3 months so I guess it'll be fine :)