Posted on Saturday, December 8, 2012

Brief summary of all the things that have happened for the past months
1. I wasn't able to enroll this term due to financial problems, I cried and was lonely for the first week until God showed me his better plan :)
2. Went to Manilart with a friend (Francine) and was supposed to hand this painting to Ms. Valerie, sadly we didn't see her at the event so I just kept it
3. Painting I did driven by my frustrations to a certain law that was planned to be implemented months ago
4. Tried coloring digitally again, I really am still a newbie in this area plus I had no tablet to use because we can't afford to buy one :< but I do believe God will give me one in due time :)
5. Been having commissions lately (Thank You Lord) :) For commissions, hit me up at silent.princesse@gmail.com or if we are friends in FB you could just send me a message there :)
6. I was accepted as a part time Graphic/Layout Artist, MY FIRST PART TIME JOB! :) Praise God. The photo was a sample of what I do at work
7. My bosses kindly lent me their tablet to use at work. "HOW THE HELL DO I USE THIS?" was the first thought that came to my mind. It was really hard at first but thank God, I gradually got used to it. One of my first ever digital painting using a tablet :)
8. A birthday greeting I gave to my crush :"> Malakas loob kong ipost dito kasi alam kong hindi nya alam account ko dito hahahaa :)
9 -11. Attended my first ever MAS nite, though I didn't drink (cause I am not planning to, ever) I really had fun. So many good memories I'll forever treasure heehee... For those wondering, yes, he's Sir Vin Quilop, one of my most admired artist, check his blog, it will blow your mind... He's WAAAAYYYYYY TOOO AWESOME! Plus I got to be featured in his tweet :"> heehee
 And yes, that's Silent Sanctuary right there :) It was such a bliss, listening to them sing live. :)

You could check out my tumblr and twitter, I'm more active there lately.. though most of my tweets are pure nonsense XD

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