07/01/2012 - 08/01/2012


Watercolor Practice

Posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2012

click for a bigger view :D
watercolor practice few nights ago

some watercolor practice I did two nights ago :) this was actually I boy I just imagined. It wasn’t my intention at first to give him red hair and freckles, still love the way it turned out still
hasn’t started any serious piece yet, all i’ve done was slack off and do sketches/doodles/practices.. T___T 


Some shots from Last Term's Photography 2

Last term I took up Photography under Sir Jacob and I really am grateful that he became my professor because I was "FORCED", in a good way, to take better shots. Thank God it was him who became my professor, honestly I thought of dropping after finding out that he is my professor because he has a "terror" image at campus. Because he doesn't settle for anything ugly I was somehow in some ways forced to take photography seriously. I pretty much improved I guess, my older shots look like crap, so thank you sir for the experience and lessons.

These are the shots my professor approved of for our supposed
class exhibit, not really sure if it will continue though.
click the photos for a better view :)

practice sky shot on the rooftop of Mapua Intra

bird from Manila Zoo

this was actually a "tsamba" shot, I was just playing around with the
camera and had it saved on my memory then my 
professor picked it

foot of my former teacher's baby

some building along St. Francis Street Mandaluyong

ahh~~ from MAS outing (our college's outing at Batangas)

shot from our mini veranda
There's a "creepy" story behind this actually. While taking this shot, I was zooming in to the white building's window and then I saw  a faceless girl standing facing the camera. I immediately removed my eyes from the viewfinder, when I looked back it was gone. O__O 

stolen shot taken while I was roaming alone in Baywalk

I had become a bit courageous with this Photography class. Never did I thought that I could go to places like Baywalk alone and taking shots. To be honest it was pretty daring, knowing that many snatchers and addicts roam around the place PLUS
how easily one can snatch a DSLR from a little girl like me. 

somewhere along St. Francis again

Looking back to these photos, I do think I did kinda well knowing how noob I am with photography. I admit I ain't no professional nor am I hoping to be like one. I think it's much safer to say that I really am just a photography hobbyist. I enjoy taking photos of lots of things but I don't think photography is for me. I do admire however great photographers for it's easy to take "pretty" shots but it's much harder to take ones with great concept. I still do think that I have not much skills in photography but I am willing to learn someday.

*sighs* I know i've been saying this a lot but I really miss my cam <//3

btw, the photos are squared because it was one of the requirements for the exhibit. :)


cute O u O
a baby giraffe I drew yesterday morning as I waited for the school's announcement of suspension since there was a storm yesterday. Unfortunately, they didn't suspend so I had class, so instead of being pissed, I drew this cute little giraffe to make my mood better. 

the school then decided to suspend class at 4 p.m., my class ends at 4:30. so *sighs* that's Mapua. 

but seriously, the baby giraffe looks so cute ne? Probably will paint it later O u O



Posted on Monday, July 30, 2012

a funny and weird incident yesterday

Yesterday my two sisters and I were on our way to church when this incident happen. When we turned to the corner, a bus turned beside us and it was only 6 inches from our side. SERIOUSLY without no exaggeration. We three froze and just shouted "AHHHH!!" as it pass beside us. After which, we just laughed it off thinking how stupid we three looked. hahahaha. thinking back, we really looked stupid. XD hahaha

excuse my vanity XD

This is what happens when I get hold of a camera.. Ohh my ugly pes, good thing I had come to accept and love you. hahahah.. I'm pretty sure when I read back to this after a long time I will definitely laugh at how I look. Someday, I'll really have that mole of mine removed hahaha.

Avocado with Milk~~ YUM!♥

Though how bad and icky it may look in the picture, I assure you it tastes awesome. :] It's one of the things my siblings and I grew up eating. It's avocado + milk + sugar. soo sweet and yummy.

see how happy my younger sister was while eating? hahaha.. This food reminds me of the past when we were still staying at Laguna with our lolo't lola. *sighs* Time do fly so fast. 

In other news, I just returned home from school. Mapua suspended classes at 4 p.m. and my last class ends at 4:30  =____=  so basically, it sucks. hahahah.. oh well, that's Mapua :D


sky over Manila right now

It's Monday, it's raining, schools have suspended classes BUT Mapua hasn't. =___= Right now I'm still hoping that our school will be considerate enough to suspend our classes, but oh well, with the past experiences I have, my instincts are telling me that it may not happen. If Mapua does suspend classes, it'll be by the time we students are at school and it's impossible to go home. *sighs*

I shall eat now cause I still have a 10:30 a.m. class and I must leave by ten.


Posted on Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pretty Skies I took picture of Last June around 5:30 a.m. in Manila
I really miss my DSLR Q_______Q

As I have said before, I really like observing and taking pictures of the skies. I guess it kinda relaxes me. I find it amazing how the sky can change so much in a short while. The colors and cloud formations you see will change in just a matter of minutes, that's why every fleeting moment is priceless. Never will the sky repeat its beauty a second time so you must really capture the moment. *sighs* I wish my camera will be returned to me soon, I miss taking pictures of the skies.

photos(c)c.m.aranza, 2012


random stuffs

Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lovely moonlit sky last Thursday I guess... My cam is still
at the Pawnshop so I used the camera of
my sister's friend

I've always loved watching and taking pictures of the sky especially at sunsets and sunrise where the colors of the skies are the loveliest. *sighs* I miss my camera so bad Q_______Q

Me holding the postcards and letter I have
received from Ms. Valerie Chua
kyaa~~ so happy ♥♥

Two weeks ago, I celebrated my 18th birthday and as a gift my friend contacted Ms. Valerie, one of the artists I look up to and admire so much. Will post more details about what happened on another post :>

how my workspace looks like now

I've been too unproductive for the past days so I decided to finish a painting I did three days ago and started on another practice watercolor piece.

the pieces I worked on this night
will upload a clearer and bigger version tom ^^

images and artworks(c)c.m.aranza|2012
please do not redistribute or use without permission. Thank You



Right now I'm actually renting out in a comp shop near Mapua.

STRESSED.PISSED. the words which perfectly describe me right now.

I actually just finished "reviewing" for a quiz we are going to have in our management class. After reading I started answering the sample quiz my professor posted online as it would be our reference. MAN! It's  freaking hard and that's not the reason why I'm totally annoyed. What annoyed me the most is that she doesn't appear most of the times and if she does her stories took more of our time than our lesson. I mean what the hell!?! She even said during one of our lessons "Just read it at home blah blah" So why the hell are we paying him if he's not gonna teach us. Seriously give me back my money, my huge tuition is not worth sitting around in class with a professor who doesn't even teach and often disappears. There are way too many profs in my school that don't teach and they asks us students to pay for such high tuition. what a waste. I thought Mapua was better than this. =________=

I just hope that the next professors I have in the remaining time of my stay in Mapua wouldn't be like him and all the other professors who just lay around and teach nothing. I want to learn. I REALLY WANT TO.

I guess I gotta go for now, must still review for my quiz. I also hope my groupmate/s did our  group h.w. I did my part but they do not respond. this is why I terribly dislike groupworks. *sighs*

Hope things get better with this class soon or I'll hate this forever.


I'm back (i guess)

Posted on Friday, July 27, 2012

I actually left this blog for more than a year. I don't know what to say really. hahaha. I guess I really am such a bad blogger LOL.

so what to write hm...
I have been well for the past year. So many things had happened which I didn't post mostly because I'm really to lazy and have forgotten that I have an account here. I have learned a lot and somehow managed to get better I guess in art or so I would like to think. XD

Actually I have been pretty active with my tumblr and twitter acct for the past year. I went back here because I thought that I will make my tumblr account more like an art blog and this would be my personal blog where I will posts my rants, my daily adventures and of course drawings, and etc.

I probably will post more now (hopefully) since I am quite motivated to write more and more these days. I will try to write more about what is currently happening to my life and all so that I'll have something to read and laugh about in the future. :)

Toodles for now. Still has lots of things to do. Will try my best to update more  :>