Dec 12, 2012


Posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Expectation hurts.

The past 17 years of my existence taught me that. But still, no matter how much I tell myself not to expect, a little bit of expectation remains in my heart... still hoping that whatever I wish for would come true. Sadly though, most of the times, I would end up with tears in my eyes. Not because of joy, but because of sadness.

Over and over, I cried silently in some corner. Asking myself, "what else did you expect?", but still when an opportunity comes, expectation still climbs to my heart, still hoping that things will change.

Often I would just wish my heart will learn not to expect too much to save me from being hurt. I've been hurt enough. Or that my eyes would be too numb from crying that I'll forget how to cry.

My eyes hurt.
My heart hurts.
I don't want this anymore.